2024 - 2025
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Computer Science Principles is the second course of the three-year pathway.
AP Computer Science Principles allowed me to collaborate with my peers and it helped open my mind to new technology. I was able to learn ideas and concepts that could be applied to the real world.
AP Computer Science Principles provided me with a class that I was comfortable enough with to step out of my comfort zone and collaborate with new people.
I liked that the curriculum taught felt very distinguished from other classes. It was a very unique class, and I felt that what I learned applied much more to the real life than normal high school courses. Everyday I saluted Mrs. Rodriguez at the door, with a wide smile on my face, ready to learn something new.
- Explore how computing and technology is impacting us today through a project-based approach
- Address real-world problems involving Big Data and Cybersecurity
- Earn a 5.0 GPA bump and college credit by taking the AP test.