2024 - 2025

Computer Science & Robotics For Beginners

Computer Science and Robotics for Beginners is an elective class for 9th graders, and it is meant as an preview of the curriculum in more advanced pathway courses.

  • Available to students with little to no programming experience
  • Learn the basics of text-based coding
  • Work collaboratively to solve real-world problems
Clay Dagler

Clay Dagler

CS & Robotics for Beginners | Exploring Computer Science | AP Computer Science A | Machine Learning Honors

As the head of the Computer Science pathway here at Franklin High, I hope to encourage my students to pursue a career in computer science. I started out teaching Math after graduating from the University of California, Davis, but slowly moved towards robotics and computer science, where I found engaged students learning more about mathematics. I've since worked as a CTE teacher with Franklin, finding any opportunities for my students to involve themselves with technology.